Thursday, August 19, 2010

Quick Sips: August 2010

Here is our first entry of Quick Sips, a super condensed and brief synopsis of some beers that we've had in the last few weeks. This one will include thoughts from the last few months.

  • Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA tastes amazing fresh (less than 2 1/2 weeks old)
  • Weyerbacher Tiny is incredibly delicious (on our fourth bomber)
  • Dogfish Head SahTea isn't as good as last years (not enough cinnamon, clove and ginger spices)
  • Southern Tier 2XIPA is amazing (but make sure it is fresh.) Blows away most IPAs.
  • Bell's Hopslam wasn't as good as last years. Like most IPA's- Make sure it's fresh.
  • Great Lakes Holy Moses was a great choice for a spring beer. Glad to see it back.
  • Thirsty Dog has come out with three new crap beers (Barktoberfest, Whippet Wheat and Twisted Kilt) and one decent one (Cerberus)
  • Some batches of Founders Devil Dancer taste like a THC producing plant.
  • Heavy Seas Below Decks Cabernet Barrel Aged is probably the best fresh barleywine out there.
  • Goose Island Green Line Pale Ale (Pub Exclusive) is just plain gross.
  • Heavy Seas Smoke on the Water wasn't as generic as it's name. Worth the buy.
  • Lagunitas A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale is a refreshing summer IPA.
  • Great Divide Brewing has some great beers out there (Colette, 16th Anniversary, Titan, Yeti.) We're excited to try more
  • Dark Horse has yet to come out with a beer I thought was above average (Crooked Tree, Sapient Trip, Scotty Karate)
  • Great Lakes Lake Erie Monster was great fresh but had a tinge too much alcohol flavor.

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