Monday, October 5, 2009

Stone 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale

Stone Brewing Company from Escondido, California, has been known to rock our bodies like the Neptunes produced track. None of their beers have ever been less than good and often they have been great. Russian Imperial Stout, Ruination IPA & Double Bastard are among our favorites and last years Vertical Epic Ale (08.08.08) was quite tasty as well. All these reasons justified our purchase of this year's Veritcal Epical Ale, 09.09.09.

09.09.09 is a Belgian Strong Dark Ale weighing in at 8.9% ABV. Initial smell is earthly and quite potent, perfect for a fall evening. It pours dark and as it flows down the feed hole, it is full bodied as you taste some chocolate then some hidden fruit flavor come to light on the sides of the tongue. The finish is lacking considering it is a full bodied brew; this being our only large complaint about the brew.

Stone's 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale is a perfect example of what many American brewing companies are achieving. It is a twist on a classic style, however that twist makes the brew much more interesting and complex. This brew left us a little punch drunk and love Stone-ed. It's sad we had to say bye bye bye to the beer in the glass.

Oz Scale: 8.1
Mike Scale: 8.3

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